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Radiation model

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Old   November 14, 2020, 08:02
Default Radiation model
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Join Date: Nov 2020
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Hey guys,
Kindly I am making a cfd modeling for a solar still that uses heat energy in form of solar radiation to obtain solar energy to be absorbed by glass and then heat water to obtain vapor.
The problem mainly occurs due to the radiation model.
I use rosseland model which the direct and the indirect beam radiations is obtained from the solar calculator.
what happens after running is that the glass temperature becomes more than basin (at which water lie on) temperature but the solar radiation on basin is larger than that's of glass.
I dont know where is the problem i tried changing the mesh orientation but the results is opposite to what mentioned previously.
Its not logical that since I have a glass to receive radiation the solar radiation becomes smaller than the basin that receive these beams concentrated from the glass cover due to losses
the solar calculator mainly changes the sun direction vector.
please help me finding a solution to that problem I have spent a month trying for my graduation project i tried changing orientation and nothing happened setting a direction vector and nothing happened
My case is being run as parallel double precision on the solver
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fluent - parallel, multi phase flow, radiation model, solar still

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