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How to read a Value from Text File and store it in Variables (writing in UDF)

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Old   October 26, 2020, 04:50
Default How to read a Value from Text File and store it in Variables (writing in UDF)
Amirreza Niazmehr
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 40
Rep Power: 8
Amirreza_pro is on a distinguished road
Hi guys
This is my text file (Data.txt):

rho_0 10
kp_0 8
Beta_kp 6
x_min 5
x_max 8
y_min 9
y_max 5
z_min 4
z_max 7

I want to read from this text file line by line and store each Value in the parameter at the same line. for example, for the first line store 10 in rho_0. I have written as below.At the next end I want to use x_min and x_max ... to calculate Volume. I mean
I have written this code (as below) in C and now I want to use it in my UDF.
First I want to define the Macros and then use this code.
I just want to know if my code works, if I first use and define the proper Macros. I mean,is the body of my code proper for using in UDF?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    double rho_0, kp_0, Beta_kp;
    double x_min, x_max ,y_min ,y_max ,z_min, z_max, V_plasmazone;
	char param_name[100];

    FILE *inputfile;

    char inputpath[100];
    char path [100] ;
    strcpy(inputpath, path);
    strcat(inputpath, "Dataa.txt");
    inputfile = fopen(inputpath, "r");

   /* if(inputfile)
        ScanCheck(fscanf(inputfile, "%s", inputpath), 1, inputfile, "Data.txt", 1);
        strcat(path, inputpath);
        strcat(path, "/");
        Error("Error opening input.txt - file!");

  //inputfile =fopen ("Data.txt","r") ;
    if(inputfile == NULL) {
               perror("Unable to open file!");
               exit (1);

   fscanf(inputfile, "%s %lf\n", param_name, &rho_0);
   printf("%s %lf\n", param_name, rho_0);
   fscanf(inputfile, "%s %lf\n", param_name, &kp_0);
   printf("%s %lf\n", param_name, kp_0);
   fscanf(inputfile, "%s %lf\n", param_name, &Beta_kp);
   printf("%s %lf\n", param_name, Beta_kp);
   fscanf(inputfile, "%s %lf\n", param_name, &x_min);
   printf("%s %f\n", param_name, x_min);
   fscanf(inputfile, "%s %lf\n", param_name, &x_max);
   printf("%s %f\n", param_name, x_max) ;
   fscanf(inputfile, "%s %lf\n", param_name, &y_min);
   printf("%s %f\n", param_name, y_min);
   fscanf(inputfile, "%s %lf\n", param_name, &y_max);
   printf("%s %f\n", param_name, y_max);
   fscanf(inputfile, "%s %lf\n", param_name, &z_min);
   printf("%s %f\n", param_name, z_min);
   fscanf(inputfile, "%s %lf\n", param_name, &z_max);
   printf("%s %f\n", param_name, z_max);

 V_plasmazone = ( x_max - x_min )*( y_max - y_min )*( z_max - z_min );
 printf( "V_plasmazone %lf\n", V_plasmazone );

              return 0;
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