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Adding a function to modify Output variables in Fluent

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Old   October 5, 2020, 09:46
Default Adding a function to modify Output variables in Fluent
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vsjay3 is on a distinguished road
Hi All,

I know you can define functions in Fluent for varying input properties of a solid being modelled such as density variation across the solid. But is there a way I can define a function to modify and plot the original output value resulting from a Fluent simulation?

For example, say if I simulate the heating of a solid at a certain temperature, the resulting output temperature of the solid at the end of the simulation will be shown as T. But what if I wanted to define a function to take that original output temperature of fluent which is T and further modify it like for example T(new) = 2T + 3, and then finally give the new T(new) as the final output temperature which I can then plot and post process?

Basically I want to know if I can define a function in Fluent that could modify the original output value and give the new modified value.

Thank you!
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custom field function, fluent, fluent - udf

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