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How can I calculate the acoustic force and the acoustic energy?

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Old   September 29, 2020, 13:31
Default How can I calculate the acoustic force and the acoustic energy?
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Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 8
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Luigi* is on a distinguished road
Hi ,

I want to simulate acoustophoresis phenomena.

My system is composed by a fluid domain surrounded by a mechanical structure and a piezoelectric transducer. The fluid domain has an inlet where the fluid (water) and particles are inserted.
When the piezo is active, the particles should be trapped at the centre of the channel.

The system is modeled with a transient structural analysis, fluid analysis(fluent), and system coupling.
I want to calculate and plot the acoustic energy in the channel, and the acoustic radiation force that acts on the particles that are inserted. How can I do? Should I write a UDF in fluent?

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acoustic, fsi, piezoelectric

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