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Error: Out of scheme heap space

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Old   September 21, 2020, 11:32
Exclamation Error: Out of scheme heap space
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Join Date: May 2020
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SSG_NJ is on a distinguished road

I am running ANSYS 2019 R2 to run a 2d density based axisymmetric transient simulation.

I had been running it for quite a few months now on an older system and have recently migrated it onto a newer system with better specifications. However recently I am stuck with an error that fluent throws out: "Error: Out of scheme heap space".

I am running parallel processing on a 6 physical cores system having 16 GB RAM, 1TB Hard disk space, 4GB Graphics. I do not think it is a fault in the system, as the system is brand new and was running without any issues for a week.

Fluent runs for 2 time steps, and then stops by showing this error. If I save the data and run from where it stopped, it does so without an issue - but then it runs only for the next 2 time steps and stops again.

I tried searching in the forum and was able to find this thread: Error in compute process - No Active Application - which has the same error but due to a different problem. I tried the solution suggestion anyway, but it did not help.

I also tried searching on ANSYS community forums where a person asked to launch Fluent via command line and include an additional "h" parameter specifying a heap allocation of 50,000. I followed that thread as well but Fluent does not launch when using that parameter in the command line. If the "h" parameter is not included, it launches - but then that doesn't serve the required purpose.

Here is the error log:

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.

Error: Out of Scheme heap space.
Rerun with -h flag set greater than (multiples of 100000) current value of -h100000.
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
Error encountered in critical code section
MPI Application rank 0 exited before MPI_Finalize() with status 1
 The fl process could not be started.

I am also attaching the error log in a text file alongside this post.

Please someone help ASAP. I have been stuck with this issue for days now.
Attached Files
File Type: txt Error out of scheme heap space.txt (2.1 KB, 6 views)

Last edited by SSG_NJ; September 21, 2020 at 11:57. Reason: clarification
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Old   September 22, 2020, 12:21
Lightbulb Solution found by removing the solution export!
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Figured it out!!

The error is resolved by deleting the automatic solution export that I had enabled.

After FLUENT writes the solution, it throws an error. Deleting the automatic export option solved the problem.

I have no idea why this issue happened for something so trivial as this.

If someone figures out why, please let me know.
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Old   July 24, 2021, 07:31
Default heap error solution
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mrwan is on a distinguished road
I found the heap error solution after several trials
that change the name of cas and data file only then lunch fluent by new name and run
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error, fluent - parallel, heap space

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