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How can I input species mass flux in fluent? Which boundary should I use?

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Old   September 5, 2020, 10:17
Default How can I input species mass flux in fluent? Which boundary should I use?
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THA SEANGHAI is on a distinguished road
Hello! I am really having a hard time with ANSYS FLUENT, I want to input mass flux of a species on a boundary, then I knew that there is no Boundary condition for species mass flux, so people on the internet told me that I have to write UDF, and now I already wrote UDF for species mass flux, but I do not know which boundary condition should I choose for inputting species mass flux? First, I chose Mass Flux Boundary condition,but the velocities were changed, and the results seem to be wrong, so after that I chose Wall Boundary condition and compile or interprete UDF at Wall BC=> Species=> Mass fraction=> then select UDF that I already interpreted or compiled. Is that the correct way? Finally, I want to compare the values of mass flux that I input and the result of mass flux after calculation, thus how can I compare? I have no idea at all!Thank you in advance!
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