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Modeling chemical Equilibrium and non-Equilibrium

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Old   August 25, 2020, 05:27
Default Modeling chemical Equilibrium and non-Equilibrium
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 42
Rep Power: 6
CFDger is on a distinguished road

I am modeling hypersonic flow around an object. Due to the high temperatures occuring in the shock layer I have to model chemical reactions which I implemented (chemical kinetics input file and thermodynamic database).

1) I want to start by modeling the reactions in chemical equilibrium and if that works out I want to try chemical non equilibrium.
In the user and theory guide I was able to find stuff regarding modeling of chemical equilibrium in combustion processes. But as I am modeling the dissociation and recombination of air (5 species 17 reaction model) this probably doesn't fit my case.
I tried to model Species Transport + Volumetric Reactions + Relax to Cehmical Equilibrium. But the results I get look like chemical nonequilibrium. But I am not sure.
If I model Transport + Volumetric Reactions + Stiff Chemistry Solver or Chemkin CFD Solver I think chemical nonequilibrium is solved.
Which chemistry solver/settings are needed to model equilibrium/non-equilibrium.

2) As far as I understand Fluent models vibrational/thermal equilibrium as standard, is that correct? And if yes, how can I model vibrational/thermal non-equilibrium (with an additional vibrational temperature).

Do I have to write UDFs for all this?

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Old   September 16, 2020, 08:19
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 42
Rep Power: 6
CFDger is on a distinguished road
Nobody has experience with this? Or is this question too trivial?
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chemical equilibrium, chemical reactions, fluent, vibrational equilibrium

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