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Is it possible the velocity profile changes in the fully-developed turbulent flow?

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Old   July 9, 2020, 17:25
Default Is it possible the velocity profile changes in the fully-developed turbulent flow?
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Hello, I am a new one in Ansys Fluent, and have a question now. I want to know: for a fully-developed turbulent flow, is it possible that the velocity profile changes along horizontal axis?
the model is the air flows in a pipe. First of all, for laminar flow, I input the parabolic equation at the inlet, and then the velocity profile of the laminar flow does not change, which is a fully-developed flow.
For the turbulent flow, I input the same parameters and equation from the laminar flow, just change the viscous from laminar to k-ε standard. But this time, the velocity profile of the turbulence flow changes, unlike the laminar flow.
I want to know is it possible that the velocity profile changes for a fully-developed turbulent flow? If possible, why changes? If impossible, which means the velocity profile should be constant, so how to set up a fully-developed turbulence flow with constant velocity profile?
I have also put the details in the pictures, thank you!

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fully-developed, pipe, turbulent flow, velocity profile

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