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Downdraft Gasification simulation in ansys fluent

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Old   July 4, 2020, 07:09
Default Downdraft Gasification simulation in ansys fluent
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Muhammad Waleed
Join Date: Jul 2020
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Greetings to all. I am beginner in ansys. I am trying to do simulation of downdraft gaisifier in ansys fluent but unfortunately I am unable to achieve my desired result till now. I am sorry, all the experts here, as I am relatively new, so I want to clarify whether I am doing right steps or not. Your response will really be helpful for me.

I am using Energy Equation for continuities of mass, momentum and energy. For rearctions, I am using Species Transport theorem and for fuel particles, I am using Discrete phase model.

I am describing here what I have done. Kindly guide me which step I did wrong.
First of all, I am describing my biomass material through coal calculator in species transport theorem, and I use my biomass proximate and ultimate analysis along with heating value. Now in materials panel, I add relevant material or elements in my mixture and then I define all the gasification reactions as well.

Here I want to ask perhaps the most prominent difficulty, actually I want to break my volatile into no of gas species for eg
Volatile =x1CO+x2CO2+x3H2 +x4CH4
But when I use set this equation, warning comes that my equation is unbalanced. If it is, then how I can make equation like this.

After that, I set up discrete phase injection as well, and turn on devolatization model for the purpose of volatile break up, but no result. I am puzzled at the moment, i am clueless which step I have been doing wrong. Kindly guide me.

Thanks a lot.
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Old   April 25, 2021, 04:55
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Tan Phat Nguyen
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Originally Posted by Muhammad Waleed View Post
Greetings to all. I am beginner in ansys. I am trying to do simulation of downdraft gaisifier in ansys fluent but unfortunately I am unable to achieve my desired result till now. I am sorry, all the experts here, as I am relatively new, so I want to clarify whether I am doing right steps or not. Your response will really be helpful for me.

I am using Energy Equation for continuities of mass, momentum and energy. For rearctions, I am using Species Transport theorem and for fuel particles, I am using Discrete phase model.

I am describing here what I have done. Kindly guide me which step I did wrong.
First of all, I am describing my biomass material through coal calculator in species transport theorem, and I use my biomass proximate and ultimate analysis along with heating value. Now in materials panel, I add relevant material or elements in my mixture and then I define all the gasification reactions as well.

Here I want to ask perhaps the most prominent difficulty, actually I want to break my volatile into no of gas species for eg
Volatile =x1CO+x2CO2+x3H2 +x4CH4
But when I use set this equation, warning comes that my equation is unbalanced. If it is, then how I can make equation like this.

After that, I set up discrete phase injection as well, and turn on devolatization model for the purpose of volatile break up, but no result. I am puzzled at the moment, i am clueless which step I have been doing wrong. Kindly guide me.

Thanks a lot.
Have you simulated yet?
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