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Is there anyone knows memory leakage problems in ANSYS analysis module

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Old   July 1, 2020, 10:07
Default Is there anyone knows memory leakage problems in ANSYS analysis module
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Joo-Yeob Lee
Join Date: Jul 2020
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I'm simulating Fluid-Structure Interaction problem by system coupling between 'Transient Structural' and 'Fluent'.

I allocated 96 cores (384GB mem) on Fluent and 32 cores (128GB mem) on Structural (totally 128 cores) as a computation nodes.

And I'm also using the graphic server for monitoring and post-processing with about 128GB memories.


When I'm monitoring, the memory usage on the analysis was about 13% at the start point of the analysis.

Ok, that's fine.

But after about 7 seconds (calculation time) in the simulation, then the total memory usage has shown about 60%.

Finally about 5 seconds (calculation time) later (at 12-second calculation point) in the simulation, the analysis has been terminated abnormally.

The error message was shown just like Linux operating system killed the process automatically.
(I think that killing process is the characteristic of Linux OS when the memory is over-allocated.)

So, I was really wonder if ANSYS analysis modules have any memory leakages.

I can't understand what's going on in my simulation...

Is there anybody can help me?

Truly thanks.

Last edited by hermedo; July 1, 2020 at 22:23.
hermedo is offline   Reply With Quote


ansys, fluent, memory leakage, structural analysis, system coupling error

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