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How can I bring up the interior option in the fluent , I can not find it?

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Old   May 2, 2020, 12:51
Default How can I bring up the interior option in the fluent , I can not find it?
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How can I bring up the interior option in the fluent , I can not find it?
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Old   May 2, 2020, 15:37
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LuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura about
You can't find it because it's not supposed to be there. Boundary faces can't be interior type.

The question is, why you are trying to change to interior in the first place something that cannot be interior?
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Old   May 3, 2020, 17:30
Default But the middle vertical line is in the fluid domain, which should be as an interior?
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Originally Posted by LuckyTran View Post
You can't find it because it's not supposed to be there. Boundary faces can't be interior type.

The question is, why you are trying to change to interior in the first place something that cannot be interior?
But the middle vertical line is in the fluid domain, which should be as an interior?
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Old   May 3, 2020, 17:36
Default Interior
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Fluent does not care about the location of the boundary, rather about the sharing of the boundary. If a boundary belongs to only one cell, then it is external boundary and if it belongs to two cells then it is internal. Interior is an internal type. Fluent is reading the boundary as external because you have non-conformal mesh at that location. To make it conformal, you have to ensure that both of the bodies, i.e., the one on the left and the one on the right of the said boundary belong to same part. Currently, if you check under Geometry within Meshing, each body has separate part. So, go back to CAD and ensure that the bodies belong to same part. The other option you have, within Fluent, is to convert both boundaries into interface and then create a mesh interface. You do have two boundaries at that location where you expect one.

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Old   May 3, 2020, 18:56
Default Yes, each body has separate part in the Geometry within Meshing, but I have defined
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Originally Posted by vinerm View Post
Fluent does not care about the location of the boundary, rather about the sharing of the boundary. If a boundary belongs to only one cell, then it is external boundary and if it belongs to two cells then it is internal. Interior is an internal type. Fluent is reading the boundary as external because you have non-conformal mesh at that location. To make it conformal, you have to ensure that both of the bodies, i.e., the one on the left and the one on the right of the said boundary belong to same part. Currently, if you check under Geometry within Meshing, each body has separate part. So, go back to CAD and ensure that the bodies belong to same part. The other option you have, within Fluent, is to convert both boundaries into interface and then create a mesh interface. You do have two boundaries at that location where you expect one.
Yes, each body has separate part in the Geometry within Meshing, but I have defined them as a whole in the named selection, and it succeed turned into a single zone in the fluent, why it cannot regard as interior?

Secondly, how can I define them in the fluent, should I match them when the two parts are fluid zone?

Last edited by hitzhwan; May 3, 2020 at 21:20.
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Old   May 3, 2020, 19:33
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Originally Posted by hitzhwan View Post
But the middle vertical line is in the fluid domain, which should be as an interior?

You see how they are red? That's why they can't be interior.

If you want it to be an interior, it needs to be black. Notice how all the interior faces are drawn in black lines.

Maybe you have two single sided boundaries. But the fact that you've only referred to it as a single boundary and haven't told us that there isn't two boundaries leads me to believe that you think you only have one boundary despite the fact that having a single sided boundary isn't valid in this configuration (you must have two). So I don't know. Really can't tell from a little snippet what your setup is.

If you have two single-sided boundaries you can fuse them together.
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Old   May 3, 2020, 21:18
Default What is single sided boundaries? The red line have two zones in the left and right.
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Originally Posted by LuckyTran View Post
You see how they are red? That's why they can't be interior.

If you want it to be an interior, it needs to be black. Notice how all the interior faces are drawn in black lines.

Maybe you have two single sided boundaries. But the fact that you've only referred to it as a single boundary and haven't told us that there isn't two boundaries leads me to believe that you think you only have one boundary despite the fact that having a single sided boundary isn't valid in this configuration (you must have two). So I don't know. Really can't tell from a little snippet what your setup is.

If you have two single-sided boundaries you can fuse them together.

What is single sided boundaries? The red line have two zones in the left and right. How can I change the red lines to black lines?
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Old   May 4, 2020, 01:38
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
which soft do you use for meshing?

if it is workbench mesher -> in geometry module put all our zones into one part -> go to mehser module and create mesh
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Old   May 4, 2020, 13:07
Default I know what you mean, but I want to make the mesh change not too big beside the infla
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Originally Posted by AlexanderZ View Post
which soft do you use for meshing?

if it is workbench mesher -> in geometry module put all our zones into one part -> go to mehser module and create mesh
I know what you mean, but I want to make the mesh change not too big beside the inflation? You see the image, the nearest size beside the inflation is too big, but I cannot control it in the whole mesh option, how can I deal with it ?
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Old   November 21, 2024, 09:42
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Retrieving this post, I am trying to simulate a filter in a 2D fluid flow problem. I can create the internal boundary (Fluent recognises it as an internal BC and I can change it to porous-jump) if the section of the tube/channel is constant (same dimensions on each side of the internal boundary line, like a straightforward rectangle).

However, whenever I try to simulate the filter boundary in a zone of the channel where there is either an abrupt or gradual cross section change, Fluent always assumes it as a wall boundary. Is there any way to fix this without creating constant cross section zones with very small lengths?

Thank you!
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