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Vacuum Modeling of Gate Valve Coupling

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Old   April 15, 2020, 09:17
Default Vacuum Modeling of Gate Valve Coupling
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I am developing a vacuum suitcase to transfer samples from my laboratory to experimental beamlines in our Synchrotron laboratory. Our conditions are UHV (about 10E-10mbar) and I want to study the pressure drop due to connecting one chamber to another (using CF63 gate valves).
The goal is to set the left chamber pressure, the right chamber pressure and the gate valve internal volume with air at atmosferic pressure, then estimate the final pressure of the sistem (with the open valve), and also put the pumping system (we use NEG pumps, turbomolecular pumps and ionic pumps) to evaluate how long would it take to the system to return to its initial pressure conditions.

Any suggestions? I have worked a bit with ANSYS before, but I'm a beginner yet. I also worked a lot with MolFlow, from CERN, but I don't know how to run time dependent simulations on it.

Thank you very much! Greetings from Brazil.
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Old   April 15, 2020, 10:10
Default Pressure System
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You can use Fluent for this, however, I suppose you are aware of the limits of Navier-Stokes and beyond that you will have to fall back to MolFlow+. You can create three separate bodies that are connected to each other. Use ideal gas for material density. And then initialize with a pressure. At the initialization, you can only initialize with one pressure and that will prevail throughout all the cell zones, i.e., all the three chambers. Then you can use patch to initialize different pressure values in different chambers. Run the simulation in transient and you will be able to observe the pressure waves and relaxation over time.

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synchrotron, uhv, ultra high vacuum, vacuum

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