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Models/Geometry not registering in FLUENT

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Old   March 27, 2020, 06:56
Default Models/Geometry not registering in FLUENT
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PalmerEng is on a distinguished road
I'm trying to model the lift and drag off of a 3D wing section in fluent. Having created a mesh from multiple bodies (with no errors viewable), FLUENT doesn't seem to register it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Initially I modeled the scenario with one fluid body (using one solid body for finer sizing) and allowed a tetrahedral mesh, but I'm finding this isn't accurate enough and would like to create a structured mesh if possible.

To achieve a structured mesh I split the fluid body into 5 sections and converted the solid body to fluid, then also split it into 4 sections. Most of these sections then meshed correctly with multisplit, apart from the inner quarter-sphere. *This part has a mesh that doesn't match up with the surrounding faces* I'm not sure if that matters but the mesh fails whenever I try to fix it.

I defined the boundaries the same way I did for the tetrahedral mesh, apart from the body interfaces, which I labelled all under "Interior".

When proccessing this mesh into FLUENT, the bodies are all drawn, but not registered? I haven't found any examples of multiple bodies being proccessed by FLUENT, so have come here.

IMGUR Image Link: or

This is to suppliment my disertation project, so I haven't used or been trained on FLUENT before - sorry if I've made stupid mistakes!

Thanks in advance, Ben.

Extra Points:
  • I have tried to alter the tetrahedral mesh to a hex mesh, but with the accuracy I'm trying to get, it was taking 24h+ to model.
  • After trying multisplit on all of the bodies, it is the interior quarter-sphere that is causing the problem.
  • I tried suppressing the connections within the mesh, but the same problem occurs with extra errors.
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aerofoil, bodies, fluent 18.1, mesh 3d

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