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Contours of Total Energy "exploding"/Vof not showing

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Old   February 20, 2020, 14:59
Default Contours of Total Energy "exploding"/Vof not showing
New Member
Clemens W.
Join Date: Jan 2020
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3deepsea5me is on a distinguished road
Hey there,
first of all for my bad title but I simply couldn't figure a better way to phrase this. Also I am a complete beginner in CFD and have no background in engineering/physics whatsoever so forgive me my ignorance.
I basically want to simulate hot water flowing from 3 small inlets into cold water in an "open" tank (so all the walls are outlets).
Here is my mesh: (the inlets on the bottom are really small if you cant see them on the pic.

I used the Multiphase Volume of Fluid Model and turned Energy On.
When I now start my calculation it looks like this -> so far so good.
The 4th frame looks like this .
But the 5th frame the total energy "explodes" .
Is this a bug?
If I let the calculation run its course it normalizes and shows me expected results. Or is this maybe a problem with my calculation?
The cold water in my case has a temperature of 280 Kelvin while the inflowing water has a temperature of 370 Kelvin.

Now my second Problem is that I would like to display the contours of Volume of fraction and also display the contours of the temperature of the mixture which I assume is Total Energy although I would rather display the temperature in Kelvin.
But every time I manage to display the contours of Total Energy the Countours of Vof stay completely blue. I've also had it that the Contours of the VoF where showing but the Contours of the Total Energy weren't showing at all (just showing a blue model).
As seen here:
As you maybe can see there is a lot of confusion going on with all of this stuff. I'd appreciate any help.
Thank you and have a great day
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contours, explosion, temperature, total energy, vof

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