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Issue with convergence criteria value

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Old   February 11, 2020, 05:39
Default Issue with convergence criteria value
Join Date: May 2013
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MMatt is on a distinguished road
Using Fluent 2019R1, I am facing an annoying issue. I created a report-definition, whose value is around 2e-10. However, when trying to set a convergence condition on this value, I can only input 1 decimal.

The issue is that I need to specify something like 1.835e-10 as a convergence criteria, but it keeps on setting it back to 1.8e-10 which is not acceptable. Is there a way to increase the number of decimals?

I've tried to create an expression that multiplies this value by 10^10 so then I can have more decimals, but this doesn't quite work right.

Thanks in advance!
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Old   February 11, 2020, 05:55
Default Display
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That's just display. Fluent takes the value that you provide. Right click on the convergence monitor and select List Properties. It will show the value that you applied.

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Old   February 11, 2020, 07:20
Join Date: May 2013
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You are correct, it indeed is just a display.

However, when I print the value of the convergence-condition variable, it is not the same as the report-definition variable. For example the definition-variable shows 2E-10, but the convergence-condition variable (which is equal to the definition-variable), shows 5e-5. For this reason the convergence condition doesn't work. Strange.
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Old   February 11, 2020, 08:05
Default Reported value
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The value printed for the convergence monitor is residual. For the variable, there are only two values; one that the user has set and is known as set value and the other is the outcome from the solver. There is no convergence criterion variable or value. Fluent calculates residual and then prints that value. And do note that convergence conditions are maximum values, i.e., Fluent assumes case to be converged if report definition variable value comes below the user set value. If you wish Fluent to stop by using the variable other way around, i.e., Fluent should stop if value goes above the set value, then use reciprocal in report definition. It is always minimization that is used.

PM to be used if and only if you do not want something to be shared publicly. PM is considered to be of the least priority.
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