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Unreasonable Prediction of Temperature Field using Eulerian-Eulerian in Fluent

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Old   December 6, 2019, 16:26
Default Unreasonable Prediction of Temperature Field using Eulerian-Eulerian in Fluent
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I'm currently doing a simple test using the Eulerian-Eulerian model in Fluent. The attached figure is the problem I'm going to simulate: using the air jet injected through the pipe to stir the water in the vessel.

Noticed that only air is injected through the pipe. The vessel is initially filled with water at the bottom, and the rest part is air. My primary phase is water with the air as the secondary phase. At domain inlet, the BCs for the water phase are: velocity 0 m/s, temperature 300 K, volume fraction 0, and BCs for the air phase are velocity 0.1 m/s, temperature 2000 K, volume fraction 1.

As we can see that the temperature prediction of my water phase is incorrect: I didn't inject the water through the inlet, and only air is injected (as you can tell from my BCs and velocity/VOF contours). However, there is a high-temperature "jet" of water phase near the inlet. But when I check the VOF contour and the velocity contour for my water phase, there is nothing near the inlet. It is no reason for the region without the water phase to have such a high-temperature jet.

Not sure is it one of the bugs of the model or is there something wrong with my model setup? Can anybody help me out?

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eulerian eulerian, temperature bc

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