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How do I post-process or Set up to show 3D vortex generation?

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Old   October 31, 2019, 23:29
Default How do I post-process or Set up to show 3D vortex generation?
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Anthony Tang
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I want to show with Fluent the vortex generated from a VG in a similar fashion of NASA's simulation of an aircraft landing gear ( or this where I only show the vortexes generated. I have a feeling it might be with numerous isosurfaces but I can't get it to work. Also does it have to be an LES solver? Does anyone know how to do it in CFD post or Fluent?
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Old   November 1, 2019, 11:33
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LuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura aboutLuckyTran has a spectacular aura about
It is indeed a bunch of isosurfaces of something and they are usually colored by velocity but sometimes pressure. The isosurfaces preferably would be a vortex detection method (like Q-criterion, or Lamda-2 criterion and so on) but a very crude way is to take isosurfaces of vortcity. As crude as it might be, a lot of people, NASA included, loves doing this.

It depends on the vortex and vortex generator whether you need LES/DNS. You do need the right physics to generate the vortex. Some vortices (the classical named ones) are coherent and can be simulated with plain old URANS because they have nothing to do with turbulence. Heck, your flow might even be laminar.

It's relatively straight forward to make an isosurface in Fluent (and CFD-post) for a particular time. You should be able to do at least this much. It's like writing your name on a test. Then it's just a few more steps to auto-generate it in time.
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