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Mass Source application and strange phenomena

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Old   June 27, 2019, 09:36
Post Mass Source application and strange phenomena
João Lourenço
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 32
Rep Power: 9
JPBLourenco is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone. Hope you are going well.

I am having some troubles in a 3-D simulation that I need your help and knowledge, if it is possible.

I would like to know if it is possible to apply a mass source term of a certain species on the surface of a geometric, in 3-D simulation. I'm applying on a volume and I'm getting strange phenomena. I know that Fluent allow you to apply a mass source term in Cell Zone Conditions but, in this case, I am applying in a 3-D geometric body (that in previously said that is fluid). In this moment, I have design a geometric 3-D body to represent the mass source term and aluminium body (I want to apply a mass source term above the aluminium body). The aluminum body has no thickness so it is a surface that is part of the geometric 3-D body to represent the mass source term.

In the surface that represents the aluminium body, a wall boundary condition is applied with a certain velocity to allow movement. This geometric 3-D body has, for example, 3 zones. Along the 3 zones, only in the middle zone, It applied the mass source term. The Zone 1 and 3, It has no source mass and is built by fluid, with the same properties as the surrounding atmosphere.

[(Fluid_1)][(Mass)][(Fluid_3)] -> Fluid volume to apply mass source term
```````````````````````` -> Aluminium body (no thickness) =surface

The strange phenomena is the present is the presence of vectors of high speed, that is to say, certain of 15 times superior to the speed introduced to the system of movement of aluminum surface. I attached images represents the zone Fluid_1 without mass source term application.

The fluid follows the movement imposed on the aluminum surface and was supposed to get velocities close to the velocity imposed on the surface. However I am getting much higher velocities and the location of these vectors is in the volume of fluid where the mass source is not applied.

Can some help to understand this phenomena for the velocity?

Maybe if I apply the mass source in the surface, per unit of Area, this phenomena disappear.

Thank you for your time.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Velocity_Vector.JPG (130.5 KB, 2 views)
File Type: jpg Zoom_VolumeFluidRegion_SurfaceAluminium.JPG (108.1 KB, 1 views)
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