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TUI commands for sample profiles in DPM

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Old   April 17, 2019, 12:45
Default TUI commands for sample profiles in DPM
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 49
Rep Power: 7
bloodflow is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I am trying to solve my model in batch mode, but dont quite get how to input the same options using TUI commands instead of GUI. I have to initialize my case, then set up the DPM sample trajectories for a specific region, then stop this at the end of the solution.

I know to get into the sampling it is


You then should chose which injection you are sampling, the zones/boundaries to sample and the UDF you are using. Using the console I cant make my way through this menu without errors, let alone transferring it to a TUI command line so could anyone help?

The first thing it shows is

/report> dpm-sample
Injection name(1) ["injection-0"]

How do I confirm this is the injection I want to use?

Then it goes to listing the boundaries that can be chosen, how do I chose (interior-blood:008) from these?

(interior-blood:004 interior-blood:008 inlet:009 outlet:010 interior-blood inlet wall outlet)
Boundary name(1) ["interior-blood:004"]
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Old   April 17, 2019, 23:18
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AlexanderZ will become famous soon enoughAlexanderZ will become famous soon enough
 report dpm-sample \" injection-0 \"
if its not work for you out here whole code you are using

best regards
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Old   April 18, 2019, 06:09
Join Date: Mar 2019
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bloodflow is on a distinguished road
Thank you for your reply. I compile all my UDF's and then export my case, so my batch file looks like this:

rc Cylinder2.cas
/solve/dti 6400 50

But I need to add in the DPM-sample part. So in effect something like

rc Cylinder2.cas
/report/dpm-sample "injection-0" "interior-blood:008" "discrete-phase-sample :: LIBDUF" "no"
/report/dpm-sample "start"
/solve/dti 6400 50
/report/dpm-sample "stop"

Where those are the options I would want, but I dont know how to format them in the correct way. I tried that command but only got errors.
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Old   April 18, 2019, 06:43
Join Date: Mar 2019
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bloodflow is on a distinguished road
I have made some progress, with this script:

rc Cylinder2.cas
/report/dpm-sample/ This is required to clear/refresh
/report/dpm-sample/ injection-0 () interior-blood:008 () () discrete_phase_sample::libudf no
/solve/dti 2 20

This script works, and outputs the sampling data to files of the form "interior-blood:008.dpm.n" where "n" is the node the particles were tracked on. Usually when using GUI you can "stop" the sampling which merges all of these seperate files, but I cant find a way for this to happen using TUI commands, but a simple script to merge them (linux) would be:

cat interior-blood_008.dpm.* > completeparticledata

Generic form of important line would be:

/report/dpm-sample/ your-injection-name () your-sampling-location () () your-UDF-name no

The purpose of the brackets is to move forward in the menu without adding any options. So the first brackets end the injection menu (I only have 1 injection). I am sampling an interior not a plane, so I enter the interior location, then end that menu with one brackets, and skip the "planes" menu with the second brackets.

Last edited by bloodflow; April 18, 2019 at 08:37.
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Old   February 5, 2020, 22:23
Default dpm sampling with TUI commands
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Join Date: Feb 2019
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mrhaghighatjoo is on a distinguished road
I got a TUI command for taking a sample of injection(injection_nickel) at the desired plane(z=0.5).

file/rc case.cas
file/rd case.dat
solve/iterate 9000
/report/dpm-sample/injection_nickel() () z=0.5() no no
solve/iterate 1000

I used the brackets after the names in order to select the injection name(injection_nickel) and the plane (z=0.5). I do not want to check the particle behavior on the boundaries, therefore, I just wrote () in the journal file- that is no boundaries are selected.
The first "report" line is used for starting taking the sample for 1000 iterations and the second "report" line means stop sampling.
Good luck
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