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Constructing filenames with a parameter for the simulation name

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Old   April 1, 2019, 05:28
Default Constructing filenames with a parameter for the simulation name
New Member
Frank Richter
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 13
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Dear Community,

the analysis of my simulation is split into several log files, for ease of inspection. In this configuration I have to replace the name of the simulation in every single log file when analyzing another simulation.

How can I define the name of the simulation only once, construct file names for output within the log files, and retain in FLUENT's mind the name of the simulation for all log files that are called subsequently ?

I think of something like (sn = simulation name)

(define sn "Test-07")
(display sn)
(begin sn)

where sn acts as a parameter.

Now, I want to have the path and filename for a transcript file
"M:/Brandraumbeispiel/Test-07/Test-07-Journal-Output/Test-07-Oeffnen der Case-Datei.txt"
contructed (tf = transcript file):

(define TF (string-append "M:/Brandraumbeispiel/" sn "/" sn "-Journal-Output/" sn "-Oeffnen der Case-Datei.txt"))
(display TF)
(begin tf)

and feed this into the following block:

; Open the case-file and have the output written to a file
(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "MenuBar*WriteSubMenu*Start Transcript...")
; instead of
; (cx-gui-do cx-set-file-dialog-entries "Select File" '( "M:/Brandraumbeispiel/Test-07/Test-07-Journal-Output/Test-07-Oeffnen der Case-Datei.txt") "Transcript Files (*.trn *.out )")
(cx-gui-do cx-set-file-dialog-entries "Select File" '( tf) "Transcript Files (*.trn *.out )")
(cx-gui-do cx-activate-item "MenuBar*WriteSubMenu*Stop Transcript")

I also experimented with
(cx-gui-do cx-set-file-dialog-entries "Select File" '( begin(tf)) "Transcript Files (*.trn *.out )")

Other log files should automatically know sn.

The above commands are GUI commands. I'd need this also in TUI commands, for example in
/file/read-data "M:/Brandraumbeispiel/Test-07/Test-07-Autosave/Test-07-time_step=-1-00001.dat"

I use the FLUENT "Academic Student Release" 19.2 on a Windows-PC in stand-alone mode (not using Workbench).

Thank you dearly for sharing your expertise and your kind advice,

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log files, parameter

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