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DPM Sample Report Error

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Old   February 13, 2019, 15:22
Default DPM Sample Report Error
New Member
Eanna Kennedy
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 4
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This is related to an optimization project I have posted about on here before. For the project I need to calculate the standard deviation of particles about the centre of a channel on a plane near the outlet. I then need to return this an output parameter to be used in direct optimization. The only way that I have been able to access the particle data i need is by using a DEFINE_DPM_OUTPUT. This means that i have to run a dpm sample report for every simulation so that the output parameter can be calculated. I also haven't been able to find a way to get the sample report to run at the end of a calculation.

So I decided to set up a command in calculation activities which tells fluent to write a sample report for every iteration but this causes fluent to crash on the third iteration every time. Fluent also crashes if I try to create the report from the GUI or TUI, again always on the third time. I'm guessing that this is a file overwriting problem but I really don't know and any help would be appreciated. The attached image shows the error message from the console as it crashes.

Finally I don't really like this method of calculating the output parameter as it wastes a lot of processing time, is there any easier way to get the data i need?
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