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3D External Flow of Submerged Vessel leads to strange results in Fluent?

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Old   February 1, 2019, 02:49
Unhappy 3D External Flow of Submerged Vessel leads to strange results in Fluent?
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Join Date: Jan 2019
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Sovereignty is on a distinguished road
Hello Everyone,

I'm currently investigating the 3D imcompressible flow for a submerged submarine moving at 20 knots (=10.29 m/s), in which it cruises horizontally in seawater to determine the amount of drag exerted upon the body. I made some assumptions, wherein the motion of the submarine is steady and horizontal (for further simplicity), and for the flow to be turbulent, since the underwater vessel is quite large (I'm talking at least 500 m for the length of the submarine.), and steady-state.

I developed a CAD model of the hull, and made a 3D fluid domain by using DesignModeler to create an enclosure (its dimensions are 3474.72 m x 1737.36 m x 2316.48 m), using the Boolean tool and "Slice" tool to create a split fluid domain across the hull. I identified several named selections for the fluid domain before moving on to ANSYS Meshing.

I then used ANSYS Meshing, with a LOT of trial and error, to develop a 3D unstructured tetra mesh from the geometry, where I ended up with a minimum orthogonal quality = 0.30229 (average is 0.75) and the maximum skewness = 0.69771 (average skewness is 0.24834). Unfortunately, I was unable to generate a inflation boundary layer around the hull since it led to high skewness.

Upon exporting the mesh to ANSYS Fluent, I used a realizable k-epsilon model, along with enhanced wall function, to account for the y+ wall condition and boundary layers for laminar/turbulent flows around the hull. I setup the upstream as the "velocity-inlet", the top/bottom/side/symmetry planes as "symmetry", and the downstream as "pressure-outlet", with a gauge pressure of 0. The surface of the hull was set to "Wall" for no-slip. I set the Reference Values as well, in which I identified the surface area of the hull (cut in half) as 70516 m^2, and the length of the hull as 579.12 m, since those values would be used in calculations for the Cd and Cl. Upon setting up the initialization and running the iterations for the solutions of convergence for drag and drag coefficient, I ended up with these plots:

The results from the plot are not what I expected, or at least, didn't imagine where they would end up. I find it strange how the values for both drag and drag coefficient level off around zero as the iterations continue on. I was wondering if anyone knows what issues I might be experiencing with my CFD analysis, and whether or not there's changes to be made? I've spent the past month trying to build a good geometry, mesh, and setup for the analysis, but I have no idea if there's any convergence for the drag.

Best Regards,

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Old   February 1, 2019, 03:34
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Join Date: Jan 2019
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Sovereignty is on a distinguished road
What I found interesting about my following approach to this was that I changed the initialization from standard to hybrid, changed the velocity from 10.289 to 5.14 m/s, and these changes led to slight changes in the plots for drag and Cd:

I'm not sure whether these changes are related to whatever errors are affecting my results, is it possible that the setup for initialization might be another factor into this as well?
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