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soot oxidation rate in porous wall

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Old   January 9, 2019, 12:41
Default soot oxidation rate in porous wall
Senior Member
Weiqiang Liu
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 278
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Hi all,

I am doing a soot combustion simulation with fluent. When I tried to reproduce results in literature, I met some description in the paper that confuses me very much.

I have two computation zones in which soot combustion is involved. One is porous wall and the other is soot cake. Soot in the porous zone is in contact with catalyst while soot in the format of soot cake is not. Therefore, kinetic of soot oxidation with catalyst is called fast oxidation and kinetic without catalyst is called slow oxidation.

there is a paragraph in the paper 'in the porous wall of the filter, both contributions of slow and fast oxidation were implemented. furthermore all the soot presented was assumed to be in contact with the catalyst. in the cake, only the slow contribution was implemented'

I can not really understand that both fast and slow oxidation were implemented in porous wall. Does that mean the soot consuming rate in porous wall is the summation of both slow and fast oxidation.

This does not make sense to me. I mean if the total soot in porous wall is in contact with catalyst, then the kinetic of soot oxidation is merely fast oxidation.

Am I misunderstanding the author? Can anybody help me with it?

best regards.


ps: I don't know why I can not upload pictures to illustrate my problem.
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