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Settings for sliding mesh or MRF in Ansys FLUENT

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Old   September 26, 2018, 15:39
Default Settings for sliding mesh or MRF in Ansys FLUENT
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Join Date: Sep 2018
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sgysin is on a distinguished road
Hello everybody

I have to set up a model of a stirring tank for my civil engineering masters project. Because I am pretty new to Ansys FLUENT, I thought the easiest way to learn the software would be to watch tutorial videos on Youtube and try to do the exact same on my computer. I found the following tutorial and tried to follow it: I was able to follow the steps until I got to the meshing. Then I found out that some settings must be different on my computer, because the program looks different in the video. For example the menu Details of "Mesh" looks different. The first setting under sizing in the video is Use advanced size function where it is use adaptive sizing on my computer. Furthermore i don't have the option Mesh Interfaces if I open the SETUP (minute 10.12 in the video).

I was looking for steps i could have missed on google and in different tutorials and manuals, but couldn't find anything about how I could change any settings to make those things appear, so I could continue with my project.

My question now is, does anybody know what I have to do or which settings I have to change to make it work? I am using the student version of ANSYS 19.1.

Thank you in advance
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