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error C2063: 'PMV' : not a function

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Old   August 5, 2018, 10:15
Default error C2063: 'PMV' : not a function
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Ahmed Hassan
Join Date: Nov 2017
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Hello everyone,
I'm trying to write a UDF for a thermal comfort index called PMV (predicted mean vote) but i'm getting this error when compiling in fluent:
line 95.. error C2063: 'PMV' : not a function
what could be the problem here ?
Thank you all in advance

this is my code:

#include "udf.h"
Thread *t;
cell_t c;
real t_myudf = C_T(c,t)-273.15;
real speed_u_myudf = C_U(c,t);
real speed_v_myudf = C_V(c,t);
real speed_w_myudf = C_W(c,t);
real turbu_k = C_K(c,t);
real mh2o_myudf = C_YI(c,t,1); /*mass friction of h2o 1????*/
real clo = 0.55;
real icl_myudf = 0.155*clo; /*clothing insulation*/
real tr_myudf = t_myudf;
real M_myudf = 58.0; /*metabolism, w/m2*/
real W_myudf = 0.0;
real p_myudf = 101325.0;
real turbu_tu;
real speed_myudf;
real pa_myudf;
real speedv;
real speedw;
real speedu;
real fcl_myudf;
real tcl1_myudf;
real tcl_myudf;
real tcl2_myudf;
real hc_myudf;
real temperary1_myudf;
real temperary2_myudf;
real a_myudf;
real b_myudf;
real c_myudf;
real d_myudf;
real e_myudf;
real f_myudf;
real L_myudf;
real ppd_myudf;
real pmv_myudf;

/*calculate pa_myudf*/
speedu = speed_u_myudf;
speedv = speed_v_myudf;
speedw = speed_w_myudf;
speed_myudf = sqrt(pow((speedu),2.0)+pow((speedv),2.0)+pow((spee dw),2.0)); /*magnitude of speed*/
if (speed_myudf<0.05) {speed_myudf=0.05;} /*for speed<0.05,use speed=0.05*/
turbu_tu = 100.0*(turbu_k)/(speed_myudf);
pa_myudf = (29.0*mh2o_myudf)/((18.0+(11.0*mh2o_myudf))*p_myudf);

/*Calculate fcl*/
if (icl_myudf<0.078)
{fcl_myudf = 1.0+(1.29*icl_myudf);}
{fcl_myudf = 1.05+0.645*icl_myudf;}

/*iterate to calculate tcl*/

tcl1_myudf = 40.0;
tcl2_myudf = 35.7-(0.028*(M_myudf-W_myudf))-(icl_myudf*(0.0000000396*fcl_myudf*(pow((tcl1_myud f+273.0),4.0)-pow((tr_myudf+273.0),4.0))))+(fcl_myudf*hc_myudf*( tcl1_myudf-t_myudf));
if (tcl1_myudf-tcl2_myudf>0.000001)

/*Calculate hc*/
temperary1_myudf = 2.38*pow((tcl1_myudf-t_myudf),0.25);
temperary2_myudf = 12.1*pow((speed_myudf),0.5);
if (temperary1_myudf<temperary2_myudf)

/*for a shorter formula of L_myudf*/
a_myudf = 0.0000000396*fcl_myudf*(pow((tcl1_myudf+273.0),4.0 )-pow((tr_myudf+273.0),4.0));
b_myudf = fcl_myudf*hc_myudf*(tcl_myudf-t_myudf);
c_myudf = 0.00305*(5733.0-(6.99*(M_myudf-W_myudf))-pa_myudf);
d_myudf = 0.42*(M_myudf-W_myudf-58.15);
e_myudf = 0.000017*M_myudf*(5867.0-pa_myudf);
f_myudf = 0.0014*M_myudf*(34.0-t_myudf);
L_myudf = (M_myudf-W_myudf)-(a_myudf+b_myudf+c_myudf+d_myudf+e_myudf+f_myudf);

/*Calculate pmv_myudf*/

/*Calculate ppd_myudf*/
Ahmed Hassan is offline   Reply With Quote


c2063, compile issue, programing, thermal comfort, udf

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