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CFD optimization in ANSYS Fluent

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Old   May 31, 2018, 17:26
Default CFD optimization in ANSYS Fluent
New Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
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abolfazl is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

Hope you are doing well. Would you please guide me how can I solve the following problem via ANSYS Fluent? Thanks in advance.

Assume a fixed 2-D shape which consist of walls and edges dedicated to the boundary conditions (bcs) including velocity inlet and pressure outlet. I want to find the optimal layout(configuration) of the bcs i.e. which of them would be velocity inlet and the other as pressure outlet?

The number of edges(bcs) and the velocity/pressure values at the boundaries are fixed. Moreover, the criterion for choosing the optimal arrangement is not important.
As mentioned, the geometry is fixed and the problem is to find the optimal layout for inlet/outlet boundaries. For example, if there are five edges (~five bcs), which combination is appropriate for the problem: 2 for velocity inlet and 3 for pressure outlet? or 1+4 or 4+1?
How can I employ ANSYS FLuent to solve this specific kind of optimization which is not the shape/topology optimization problem?

Many thanks
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