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Maneuvering aircraft in 3 axes using MRF

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Old   February 12, 2018, 11:06
Default Maneuvering aircraft in 3 axes using MRF
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I'm considering using Fluent for my work, but first I need to make sure it can do what I need. This is the problem I need to solve:

I need to do a flare launch analysis for a maneuvering aircraft. More specifically the aircraft fires the flare while in a combination of a roll, pitch and yaw motion.

The flare is modeled as a point (not a rigid body) with a mass and a drag coefficient. This can be done using particle tracking (or DPM in Fluent terminology). It seems that the solution to this problem is using MRF (Multiple Reference Frame model). Transient simulations won't do because the particle track is calculated by the last step of the transient simulation.

In a demo I've been given the GUI only allows rotation around a single axis. Is there a way to define the motion of the flow in 3 axes? I noticed there was a UDF (User Defined Function) button in the MRF dialog. Can this be the solution to this problem? Has anyone had any experience with this?

I'll appreciate any help.

Thank you!
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manoeuvring, mrf, particle track fluent

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