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UDF for adding an energy source term to a porous zone

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Old   February 6, 2018, 07:43
Default UDF for adding an energy source term to a porous zone
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I am using a porous zone to represent a heat exchanger in a 3D simulation and am trying to write a UDF to add an energy source term to the conservation equation as the flow passes through the zone.

In order to calculate the source term I need to know:

a) the mass flow rate entering the cell / zone
b) the temperature of the fluid at the zone inlet
c) the area of the cell face at the zone inlet

I will use the DEFINE_SOURCE macro as follows:

#include "udf.h"
real source;

source= xyz;

dS[eqn] =0.0;
return source;

Any suggestions as to how I can extract the necessary information in this macro?

I know for example that for (c) I can use:

F_AREA(Avect, face, thread)

Is there a way to identify the face and face thread in the DEFINE_SOURCE macro or will I need a separate macro for this?

Thanks in advance.
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energy source term, energy source udf, udf and programming

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