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help with 3D Bifurcating Artery tutorial - no wall shear seen

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Old   January 15, 2018, 19:20
Default help with 3D Bifurcating Artery tutorial - no wall shear seen
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I’m new to fluent, and have followed the Cornell 3D Bifurcating Artery online tutorial through so that I can learn from this and apply it to my own model.
I have been through this tutorial a good few times now on both ANSYS 17.2 and 18.2 student versions however while I get the same results for flow rates and particle tracking I get no wall shear stress at all. This is the only aspect in which my results differ from the tutorials. I have followed it exactly but get no shear on the walls just a blue model with the scale bar just going from 0 to 0. I was wondering if anyone might be able to help out here. How would I get flow but no shear? There must be something missing in the tutorial, or some setting on my version that is different. (the tutorial uses version 15.0)
Exactly as in the tutorial I import the model, create, virtual topologies and named selections, insert sizing and inflation meshes, then set boundary conditions, using a UDF for input flow velocity, and having outlets as a pressure, inject particles and set reference values..ets just as in the tutorial.
I would be really grateful if someone could help me out here.
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artery, shear stress, wall shear

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