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6dof solver problem

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Old   September 12, 2017, 22:25
Post 6dof solver problem
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Join Date: Jun 2017
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I am trying to simulate this case where the center part is the fluid domain surrounded by two plates. The flow enters from the inner center part with a tangential and radial component. The force acting on two plates due to this flow rotates the plates. I need to find the RPM of these plates.
I checked out a few tutorials and found that 6dof solver might help.
I need inputs on how I should setup this simulation.

There are some specific problems I am running into while setting up 6dof. If I mesh the fluid domain by suppressing the two side geometries it does not work that way. Need help setting it up. Please let me know if you need any more information.
I have attached the image.
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Old   September 15, 2017, 17:23
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Arthur Piquet
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halowine is on a distinguished road
Your case could be simplified by taking half of the domain using an axis BC at the middle.

I don't think you need to run this simulation using Fluent. You can probably find some theory about this...

The 6DOF is not adaptable to your case. It works with the dynamic meshing process of fluent, so I don't see how you could adapt it to your case.

If you really want to run this case, you should look at the UDF function. You could associate an UDF to the BC of the wall, compute the friction force, calculate the moving wall rotationnal speed and iterate in time by solving the equation of motions (using inertial mass of your solid body for instance)...

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Old   October 2, 2017, 14:10
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Originally Posted by halowine View Post
Your case could be simplified by taking half of the domain using an axis BC at the middle.

I don't think you need to run this simulation using Fluent. You can probably find some theory about this...

The 6DOF is not adaptable to your case. It works with the dynamic meshing process of fluent, so I don't see how you could adapt it to your case.

If you really want to run this case, you should look at the UDF function. You could associate an UDF to the BC of the wall, compute the friction force, calculate the moving wall rotationnal speed and iterate in time by solving the equation of motions (using inertial mass of your solid body for instance)...


@halowine It is actually an asymmetric case. What do you suggest? I have a feeling too but I did not really find anything. There is also a friction model that I want to implement with this, which would dampen the RPM. The base issue here is that I need to calculate the RPM of this geometry which is only driven by the flow and opposed by friction model that I want to implement. So basically the flow drives the geometry and it is resisted by my friction model. I am not sure how to implement this.

Last edited by Ved1994; October 2, 2017 at 16:06.
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6dof, fluent, fsi 2-way coupling

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