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Heat Flux due to electron flow in GTAW welding process

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Old   August 11, 2017, 18:26
Default Heat Flux due to electron flow in GTAW welding process
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I am trying to model GTAW (TIG) Welding process using Fluent with MHD module.
The models needs coupling between electromagnetic, temperature and velocity field. Fluent has a MHD (magnetohydrodynamics) module which I think could be used to solve the problem.

In the welding process, some shielding gas (Ar) is used which gets ionized at high temperature. Electric arc travels from the electrode to the work-piece through the conductive ionized gas. According to the theory of TIG welding, the principal mode of heat transfer that contribute to the anode (workpiece) heat flux is convection from the plasma and electron flux to the anode due to the current. The heat flux due to flow of electron is expressed as (5/2e)* j*Kb*delT, where j=current density, Kb = Boltzman constant, e=electric charge.

I am not sure if Fluent takes this second mode of heat transfer (electron flux to anode) into consideration while doing the calculation. I checked the theory manual, but did not find anything like that in the Fluent documentation.

How can I add this additional heat flux in the model if Fluent is not considering it in its MHD module?
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electron flux, fluent, heat flux, magnetohydrodynamics

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