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What is the minimum value for URF?

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Old   March 23, 2017, 09:37
Default What is the minimum value for URF?
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Dear colleagues,

I am working on problem in which I need to include dynamic mesh option. Pressure in this problem is really high (it goes above 1 GPa) and high pressure produces fluctuations in the UDF for dynamic mesh, more specifically in the main equation which calculates node positions at boundary. Pressure fluctuations are ripping my mesh apart and I have occurrence of negative cells. So in order to make numerical calculation more stable I need to apply URF for pressure.

My question is: What is the minimum value for URF? Does anyone know some recommendations from literature for the lowest URF?

At the moment, I am using value of 0.0001 as URF for pressure. With this value I do not have occurrence of negative cells but I am afraid it is too low and I will never get solution convergence.

Thanks in advance,

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fluent - udf, lowest urf, minimum urf, urf

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