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Not able to use Interpreted in User Defined Function (UDF)

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Old   March 8, 2017, 20:15
Default Not able to use Interpreted in User Defined Function (UDF)
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Montréal
Posts: 97
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Touré is on a distinguished road

Sorry for my long post but here is my story. Troubles started when I've got ANSYS 18 installed on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

1st trouble: ANSYS Fluent on Linux. Enjoy!
Solution : Forget about Windows and get the work done. :-)

2nd trouble: Problem starting a graphic window with ANSYS Fluent: The following error messages appear in the terminal:
Unable to resolve function glXQueryExtension
Unable to resolve function glXMakeCurrent
Unable to resolve function glXUseXFont
Solution: Locate locating where the file where on my computer then doing the link
locate -b
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/ /usr/lib/

3rd trouble: Problem starting parallel computation with Ansys Fluent because no mpi installed on the computer
Solution: Check if mpi is installed with one of the three command below
mpiexec --version
mpirun --version

If there is no mpi on the machine, install openmpi with the command below.
sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin openmpi-common openssh-client openssh-server libopenmpi1.3 libopenmpi-dbg libopenmpi-dev

4th trouble: Problem starting parallel computation with Ansys Fluent
sudo /usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/bin/fluent
/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/bin/fluent -r18.0.0 3d -pshmem -host -alnamd64 -t4 -mpi=ibmmpi -path/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent -ssh -cx blablabla:blablabla:blablabla
/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/bin/fluent: 513: [: ibmmpi: unexpected operator
/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/bin/fluent: 516: [: ibmmpi: unexpected operator
/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/bin/fluent: 2143: /usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/bin/fluent: Bad substitution
The fluent process could not be started.

Error: eval: unassigned variable
Error Object: rp-3d?

Solution : (Fluent 16.0.0 and Ubuntu 12.04)
The problem is /bin/sh, the default command interpreter for shell scripts. In RHEL/CentOS distribution /bin/sh is linked to /bin/bash, while in debian based linux distributions /bin/sh points to /bin/dash.

You can set /bin/bash as default shell scripts interpreter with console command:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash

and answer No to the question:
Use dash as the default system shell (/bin/sh)?

4th trouble: Trying a tutorial that uses Interpreted for UDF, it's not working. The error I get when I use interpreted is below. What is strange is that I am able to find the file cpp in the directory /usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/contrib/lnamd64/ and I tried the dos2unix command because the inlet1.c attached comes from a zipped file . Why interpreted is not working?
Thank you.

cpp -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/main" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/addon-wrapper" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/io" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/species" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/pbns" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/numerics" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/sphysics" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/storage" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/mphase" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/bc" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/models" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/material" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/amg" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/util" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/mesh" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/udf" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/ht" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/dx" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/turbulence" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/parallel" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/etc" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/ue" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/dpm" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/src/dbns" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/tgrid/src" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/cortex/src" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/client/src" -I"/usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/fluent18.0.0/multiport/src" -I. -DUDFCONFIG_H="<udfconfig.h>" "/home/ubuntu/Desktop/vof/inlet1.c"
sh: /usr/local/Ansys/v180/fluent/contrib/lnamd64/cpp: No such file or directory
Error: "/home/ubuntu/Desktop/vof/inlet1.c": line 1: syntax error.

By the way after struggling with it for many hours, I discovered that Compiled UDF works fine. And again why Compiled works and why not Interpreted?
Attached Files
File Type: c inlet1.c (572 Bytes, 10 views)
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