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How can I plot area averaged wall shear stress variation with time over a surface?

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Old   February 1, 2017, 00:56
Default How can I plot area averaged wall shear stress variation with time over a surface?
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Join Date: Jan 2017
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Hi, I am working on a project on study of aneurysmic aortas. Initially there was a problem in drawing transient plots of different parameters like pressure and wall shear stress with time as I could not specify the location of data series in CFD post. However I found that transient plots can only be plotted if I select location as 'point' (not surface groups, or lines or planes or point clouds)
So I selected an arbitrary point on the aneurysm wall and probed its coordinates to create a point. Then I created a XY transient chart an was able to specify that point as location in data series on which variation was plotted.
But I need to report a time varying plot of wall shear stress or pressure distribution over the entire aneurysm wall. Is there any way to plot an area averaged values of these parameters over flow time? I could not find any such variable in the variable list of Cfd post or in setup.
Thanks for helping
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