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Generalized gradient diffusion hypothesis for species

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Old   December 15, 2016, 09:19
Default Generalized gradient diffusion hypothesis for species
Senior Member
Cees Haringa
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Hi all,

I want to do some simulations with the generalized gradient diffusion hypothesis for species in FLUENT, but of course, it's not in there by default so I have to implement it via a UDF. I was wondering if anyone here has done this implementation before, and is willing to share his UDF.

If that isn't the case - is there an easy way to implement it in the species equation? As far as I can tell there is only the option to modify the turbulent schmidt number via a UDF, but that is too limited to implement the GGDH it seems. An alternative would be to use a UDS rather than the species model, but that would mean I need to rewrite some UDFs for reaction and so on, too. So if anyone knows an approach on how to implement GGDH in the species model directly, it would be much appreciated.

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