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turbine blade pitching UDF

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Old   November 2, 2016, 14:15
Thumbs up turbine blade pitching UDF
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Mike McManuc
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 9
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BigMc is on a distinguished road
I'm hoping someone could help with a UDF, I want to control the blade pitch of a vertical axis turbine using a UDF, I was able to control the pitch using the UDF (see below) provided on this form by mahditorabiasr.

but in my model I dont have a function that I can assign to control the pitch, instead I have a known pitch angle from North for each azimuth position 0-360,

could someone explain to me how I could read these positions into my UDF if possible and how I would apply it within the UDF

#include "udf.h"

DEFINE_ZONE_MOTION(pitching_blade,omega,axis,origi n,velocity,time,dtime)
real theta0, thetap1, omegac, omegar, radius, pi;

pi = 3.141592654;
omegar = 1; /* pitching velocity of blade [radians/s] */
omegac = 3.6; /* angular velocity of rotor [radians/s] */
theta0 = pi/2.; /* initial angular position of blade origin [radians] */
radius = 0.5; /* radius of rotor [m] */
thetap1 = omegac*(time+dtime); /* angular change from initial position at t+dt */
*omega = omegar; /* pitching velocity of blade */

/* time-varying origin of the local rotor zone coordinates in meters */
origin[0] = radius*cos(theta0+thetap1);
origin[1] = radius*sin(theta0+thetap1);
origin[2] = 0.0;

Thanks in advance,
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Old   November 3, 2016, 14:00
New Member
Mike McManuc
Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 9
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BigMc is on a distinguished road
What I want to do, is adjust the above UDF from having a blade pitching velocity denoted as "omegar" to a blade pitch angle per azimuth position

I was thinking If i read in the blade azimuth and pitch angles and specified an "If statement" saying that if theta(azimuth) was X then Beta(pitch) would be some function of X, does anyone know how this is done?

more preferably I read in the theta and beta values and for each theta I have a beta value and this would replace the omegar value in the original UDF. or would I still need to include this omegar value but set it at the same value as the turbine rotation speed (omegac), as I have a beta for every theta.

I hope I have explained this clearly enough.

I would be extremely grateful if someone could help out with this.


Last edited by BigMc; November 3, 2016 at 14:13. Reason: typos
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fluent - udf - parallel, mesh, pitch change, pitching aerofoil, udf and programming

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