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Fluent parallel computation using Xeon duo-processor with CFD occupation below 50%

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Old   October 15, 2016, 00:03
Default Fluent parallel computation using Xeon duo-processor with CFD occupation below 50%
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Hi everyone. I may need help regarding Fluent parallel computing using Xeon CPU E5-2698 v4 @2.20 GHz. It has 2 CPUs with 40 cores and 80 logical processors (see Fig.1). When launching fluent, I set parallel solver processors number to be 64 (see Fig. 2). And I looked through the hpc license occupation, it shows 48 hpc licenses used (see. Fig.3). Then I start calculation, the CPU occupation is always around or below 50%. I am so curious at two questions, which provoked me to search for help at this forum. Thanks in advance.

1. I am confused about the hpc license occupation. Since I input 64 parallel processors, but the hpc license occupation shown in Client ANSLIC_ADMIN Utility is only 48 licenses. Why are there 16 licences missing? I am wondering.

2. It is more weird that the CPU occupation on the workstation based on Xeon E5-2698 V4 CPU is always around 50%. I was trying to use 64 fluent solver processors, which I thought 64 CPU threads might be occupied corresponding to 80% CPU occupation rate. But in reality, no matter how many parallel processors I set up in Fluent, as long as they are more than 32, the CPU occupation rate can hardly go beyond 50%. Of course, if I use fewer parallel processors, say 16, then the CPU occupation will scale down to 20% or something. I reckon if there is something protective in this workstation, which prohibits me to occupy more system resources.

I attached the workstation configuration details in Fig.4. I am sincerely asking for help regarding this issue. Thanks really much!

By the way, I am a student using the campus-shared licenses. And the windows OS is win 10. For students, we only have guest account to the workstation. However, based on previous experience, I don't feel the guest account will restrict my accessibility to 100% occupation of system resources.
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Old   October 19, 2016, 16:02
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Problem solved. Just need to disable the Hyper-threading technology, as recommended by Ansys Help.
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