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Laminar Wall Jet Flow over a Shallow Cavity

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Old   October 3, 2016, 03:41
Red face Laminar Wall Jet Flow over a Shallow Cavity (help me)
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Join Date: Oct 2016
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I want to simulation Laminar Wall Jet Flow over a Shallow Cavit.

The schematic diagram of physical problem taken in this
computational study is shown in Figures 1(a) and 1(b).
The two-dimensional incompressible laminar wall jet
flowunder the shallowcavity is taken into account.
the wall jet is assumed to be a uniform inlet velocity profile
and the jet density is assumed to be atmosphere air density
The uniform velocity inlet slot height (AI) is assumed to be
0.01, where, in Figure 1(b), AI is considered as jet inlet.
Based on no slip situation, 𝑢 = 0 and V = 0 along AB, BC,
CD, DE, EF, and HI.

Along GH:


how insert above boundry condition?

Along GF, the fully developed flow condition:

𝜕𝜙/𝜕𝑥=0 𝜙(𝑢, V, 𝑝, w)

how insert above boundry condition?

Assume that the walls AB, BC, CD, DE, and EF are maintained
at adiabatic 400K.
Along the solid boundaries, 𝑢 = 0 and V = 0.
The inlet fluid temperature is set as ambient at 303K

Computational channel height is (AH) = 20ℎ and the
flow length 𝐿, that is, AF = 40ℎ, is found to be sufficient
for all the cases. Aspect ratios (AR = w/s), AR = 1
are used for simulation. The step length (𝑋u) is taken
as 𝑋𝑢=2ℎ

inlet velocities of Reynolds number are taken based on the hydraulic diameter of computational velocity inlet (ℎ) domain. 𝑋d is taken as downstream length of the computational domain. All the parameters are nondimensional.

Reynolds number=752

how calculate hydraulic diameter for this 2d problem?

how set air to incompressible mode?

i put setting to ideal-gas incompressible but in density contour density is not constant and my contour is not similar to particle's contour.

please help me

Last edited by javadkz; October 3, 2016 at 06:27.
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