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Multi Airfoil Normalisation Method

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Old   August 3, 2016, 12:58
Default Multi Airfoil Normalisation Method
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Join Date: Aug 2016
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Thusitha is on a distinguished road
To Everyone,

Normalisation Issue
I'm trying to solve the flow around 2 airfoils (chord 2.1m & 1.8m), placed one after the other (with gap of 7m) in x-direction.

As far as I remember I need to normalise the chord length and other dimensions (if any), during the meshing phase (I use GAMBIT). So I have normalised the main wing profile with its own chord length, 2.1m, and the distance between the two wings, which gives 3.333.

When it comes to the second airfoil, which has a different chord length of 1.8m, do I need to normalise with respect to 2.1m (to be consistent) or 1.8m.

Also how would this effect the force coefficients? My understanding is that, for example you simply multiply with dynamic_pressure/span/lift_coefficient/chord(2.1m) for the first airfoil to obtain lift.

So when it comes for the second profile, which chord length do I need to use? Is it 2.1 (because of the normalisation) or 1.8m (if it needs to be normalised to its chord own chord).

Reynolds Number Issue
This is tied to above problem.

So, when you normalise, how this will effect the Reynolds number? I want the flow parameters to be as,

Pressure: 1015000Pa
Temperature 294K
Density: 1.2029 Kg/M3
Viscosity: 1.8169e-5 Kg/ms

Look forward to hearing from you
Thusitha is offline   Reply With Quote


airfoil, fluent, gambit mesh, reynolds number

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