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Fluid structure interaction with VOF method utilized in fluent?

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Old   July 22, 2016, 14:39
Default Fluid structure interaction with VOF method utilized in fluent?
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Join Date: Mar 2016
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If anybody has tried working on this please look at the scenario bellow and kindly answer the questions.

In transient structural solver:

I have a structure (solid shell) axisymmetrical in all the 3 planes . According to that if i define the constraints i.e displacements 0 (xy-plane z = 0 displacement and so on for other two planes). I define Fluid structure interface on the exterior part of shell and another Fluid structure interface interior part of shell.

Assume the solid shell is in a fluid pipe , where fluid is travelling z-direction.

In fluent:

1.Using the VOF method, the fluids involved are
((i)one which is supposed to interact with exterior part of shell and (ii) fluid inside the shell, which is supposed to interact with interior part of shell)
2. When both the systems are coupled (Transient+Fluent). I expect the solid shell body to be moving inside the fluid freely.

My questions are:

1. Could you please tell me what are the constraints mainly to be used in transient? Other than displacements should i apply other constraints to make the shell move freely?

2. how are the dynamic meshing and moving wall options to be utilized in Fluent system?

Could you please answer these.

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