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UDF for DPM property

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Old   July 15, 2016, 13:32
Default UDF for DPM property
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Join Date: Apr 2016
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ksgr is on a distinguished road
Hello all!

I am new to UDF coding and I'm trying to define a DPM properties for a new material. I have a ASCII tabulated (temperature wise) file for material properties namely: density, Cp, latent heat. I'm able to compile the code successfully. But when I assign these UDF's in the material dialog box, I get a segmentation fault. I'm now wondering whether my UDF is proper and is FLUENT able to actually read it. Here is the code:

#include "udf.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "math.h"

double tgiven = C_T(c,t); //solver returned Temperature value
int i, j;
FILE * fp;
static const int maxno = 726; //(1-726) number of values present in the .txt file
double temparr[726][1],rhoarr[726],cpliqarr[726],pvaparr[726],hevaparr[726]; //arrays to store the values read from the file
double intpart_temp,frac;
double cpliqcalc,tempup,templow, tcrit=725.9;
fp = fopen("liq_prop.txt", "r"); //data file containing temperature and density values (726 rows)

fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf",&(temparr[i][0]),&(rhoarr[i]),&(cpliqarr[i]),&(pvaparr[i]),&(hevaparr[i]));
frac = modf(tgiven, &intpart_temp); // modf gives the fractional and integer part of the real temperature
cpliqcalc = cpliqarr[725];
else if(temparr[i] == intpart_temp) /*linear interpolation to get Cp value between two temperatures*/
j = i;
templow = temparr[i];
tempup = templow + 1;
cpliqcalc = cpliqarr[j] + ((cpliqarr[j+1]-cpliqarr[j]* (tgiven - templow)/(tempup-templow));
p->enthalpy = cpliqcalc*(tgiven-T_REF); //FLUENT requires this line to set the particle enthalpy according to the calculated Cp
return cpliqcalc;

I am not sure whether Fluent can understand the fopen and fclose commands. To be precise, I can read the density UDF. But when I try to hook Cp UDF, I get a segmentation fault.

Last edited by ksgr; July 15, 2016 at 15:45.
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Old   August 16, 2016, 05:16
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Join Date: Apr 2016
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ksgr is on a distinguished road
After much deliberation, I found that it was my mistake and a silly one. In taking the temperature from solver I was reading the gas phase temperature for liquid properties
When I read the particle temperature all the problems were solved.
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Old   July 12, 2017, 04:51
Default DPM property
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sewgolam is on a distinguished road
dear friend,

i want to change the property od my DPM injection property. can we discuss about it.
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dpm fluent, udf code

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