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the problem of batch ( or .jou file)

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Old   July 7, 2016, 01:18
Default the problem of batch ( or .jou file)
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Xiaohua Li
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liulangdefeng2222 is on a distinguished road
Hi, everyone
When I used the .jou file to compute many cases which included dynamic meshes( just smoothing without remesh), using the same .jou file at different PC or at the same PC at different time would have different results. Sometimes, it will fail to deform mesh and emerge negative volume.
I want to know why? What I should change?
PS: OS: PC windows 7sp1; vesion: Ansys Fluent 17.1 & visual studio 2013
Hope some could help me.
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Old   July 7, 2016, 05:33
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Without seeing your journal file, this is very hard to answer. Technically, your .jou file could include some statement that depends on time or computer name. But that is unlikely...

And I don't understand your situation completely. You say you get different results, but do you mean you get different results on different computers/times for the same cases? Or different results on different computers/times for different cases?

It it is the last one (different cases give different results), then I don't see how your question is related to journal-files. If you have different cases, you get different results. Some cases converge, some diverge. Find out what went wrong, change the settings and re-run. The magic button 'always converge' does not exist yet.
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Old   July 8, 2016, 04:16
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Xiaohua Li
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liulangdefeng2222 is on a distinguished road
I am sorry that I didn't state the problem clearly. It is the same case that use the same .jou file at different computers. Sometimes, it might result in negative meshes( mesh deformation failed). I don't know what's the reason.
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Old   July 8, 2016, 04:19
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Xiaohua Li
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Originally Posted by pakk View Post
Without seeing your journal file, this is very hard to answer. Technically, your .jou file could include some statement that depends on time or computer name. But that is unlikely...

And I don't understand your situation completely. You say you get different results, but do you mean you get different results on different computers/times for the same cases? Or different results on different computers/times for different cases?

It it is the last one (different cases give different results), then I don't see how your question is related to journal-files. If you have different cases, you get different results. Some cases converge, some diverge. Find out what went wrong, change the settings and re-run. The magic button 'always converge' does not exist yet.
I am sorry that I didn't state the problem clearly. It is the same case that use the same .jou file at different computers. Sometimes, it might result in negative meshes( mesh deformation failed). I don't know what's the reason.
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Old   July 8, 2016, 04:33
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If the same case, with the same journal file, on the same computer, with all input the same, run on different times gives different results, and the journal file is not designed to do this, then this is very, very, very strange.

The most likely explanation for me is that you, accidentally, don't have the same case file, or have slightly different input.
I can not give a better guess without seeing your case/journal file/pc. (Don't see this as a request to send me your case-file, I won't have time to look at it...)
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deformed mesh, fluent - udf, negative volumes

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