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FLUENT questions

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Old   July 2, 2016, 18:31
Default FLUENT questions
Ferruccio Rossi
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Melbourne, FL USA
Posts: 91
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Hi all,

While I have some previous experience with CFX, I am completely new to FLUENT. So I would like to know if you guys could answer some of my questions:

1. In the General tab, what's the difference between "Pressure-based" and "Density-based" solvers?

2. In the General tab, what's the difference between "Absolute" and "Relative" velocity formulation?

3. What should I use for inlet boundary condition? "Pressure Far Field" or "inlet velocity"? What are the differences between the two? I am modeling flow on a wing.

4. what's the difference between standard and hybrid initialization?

5. What does the option "dynamic mesh" do?

6. Every time FLUENT solver completes a time step, a window pops up and makes a noise. Is it possible to suppress such behavior?

Thank you.
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boundary condition, fluent, inlet, outlet, wing

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