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Lift and Drag coeff change with V 16 and 13 PISO for same mesh file and same settings

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Old   June 2, 2016, 23:43
Default Lift and Drag coeff change with V 16 and 13 PISO for same mesh file and same settings
Senior Member
Arun raj.S
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Hello everyone,
I have some doubt regarding simulation using Fluent 13. Previously I used Fluent 16 to simulate the flapping wing. I got correct results by using Fluent 16. Then my supersior asked to simulate the further simulations in Fluent 13 which is installed in the server. So I tried to simulate using the server. But the real problem is I am not able to get the same Cl AND Cd pattern with Fluent 13 for the same settings. I dont understand the error at all. I am loading the same mesh file (created using ANSYS 16) and following the exact same steps in FLUENT13 which I followed in FLUENT16 but I am not able to get the results. The trend of Cl and Cd curve is completely different. So could you tell what could be the reason. I used the following settings in both FLUENT 13 and 16. But in Fluent 13 I am not getting the same result for same mesh file

Pressure based, Transient, absolute and planar
Laminar, air - 1.225 kg/m3 and viscosity 2.45e-4
Boundary condition: pressure outlet
Smoothing: spring based, 0. Boundary layer relaxation 1, convergence 0.0001, iterations: 10000
PISO scheme: skewness correction-1, neighbor correction-1, Lease square cell based, standard , first order upwind, first order implicit, under-relaxation, pressure:0.3, momentum: 0.5.

One more thing, in the global dynamic mesh settings , re-meshing tab the default max cell skewness value is 0.7 in case of Fluent 16 and when I use Fluent 13 for the same mesh file it shows default max cell skewness value is 0.66. I am little curious about this as I am using global settings for my deforming domain.

It would be a great help if you let me know the mistake or changes in settings.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg dynamic mesh.jpg (132.2 KB, 1 views)
File Type: jpg solver settings.jpg (125.3 KB, 1 views)
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