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Conjugate Heat Transfer transient

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Old   June 1, 2016, 05:59
Default Conjugate Heat Transfer transient
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: Germany
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Hello everybody,
currently iīm doing some litte examples to test some cases before i use it later in my simulations.

My case now is just a solid block with an energy source sourrounded by air.

First Question: ( i know very easy, but i struggle because some of my solutions arenīt right and maybe i have made mistakes here). If i want my solid do 2 Watt output, is it correct to say that my energy source is just 2 watt/volume block? I thought so!

My first simulation was with no flow just the air without moving und the second was with flow. Steady state
To check if i was right i looked at the fluxes --> total heat transfer rate at the walls of the solid. The net result was 2Watt. So thats right, isnīt it?

Then i tried a transient simulation with no flow. So the air was getting hotter. So far so good. But when i look now at the net result of the heat transfer i donīt get the 2 Watt.
So second Questin: Why is this so? Shouldnīt there be always 2Watt heat generation in my solid always? Do i miss something?

Please help me. Sorry if you think my questions are stupid, iīm still learning and i would kindly appreciate it if someone could explain to me
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conjugate heat transfer, energy source term, transient

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