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How are MRF and Mixing Plane 'time-averaged'?

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Old   May 10, 2016, 12:17
Default How are MRF and Mixing Plane 'time-averaged'?
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Hi. It's great to have a place to ask questions. Please forgive my lack of knowledge - I'm a newby!

In ANSYS Fluent, there is the Sliding Mesh model, which solves the fundamental equations for each time-step. The moving mesh zone (if we assume one moving zone and one stationary zone) then moves on with time, and at a new time step, another solution is calculated. This method is therefore unsteady, or 'time-accurate'.

I understand the basic principle of MRF and Mixing Plane, but do not understand how these models are 'time-averaged'. Please could someone explain this?

((the MRF model is often described as a 'frozen rotor' model – a solution is only achieved for one orientation, and so it's like a 'snapshot' of the system. If it's a snapshot, how can it be time-averaged?))

Last edited by newby; May 10, 2016 at 12:22. Reason: additional query
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mixing plane model, multiple reference frames, sliding mesh model

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