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Problem with surface monitor position

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Old   April 28, 2016, 12:41
Exclamation Problem with surface monitor position
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First of all, this is my first post in this forum. Ultimately I’ve been reading a lot of threads here, which helped me with a several problems that I experimented using FLUENT. But this time I can’t solve a surface monitor problem in my simulation. To make more comprehensive my request, I attach an image with 3 figures.

Fig.1 explains the physic situation that I simulate in FLUENT: a tank with finite depth fluid in its interior, with a sinusoidal velocity imposed. Topics about UDF, dynamic mesh and solvers caused me a lot of headaches, but I can solve them and go on with my simulation (thanks to this forum and other people in internet).

To measure the evolution of waves in time, I used a surface monitor, which show me the volume fraction in the red line. I’ve reached this using an integral report.

The problem appears in the Fig.2. The tank moves through x axis with the time, changing his position. But the surface monitor doesn’t, due to his nature. It keeps fixed (like the observator's system reference).

Fig.3 shows the desired function of surface monitor. I want to keep the relative position about the tank, making it move the same way that tank does.

I know that I can put the surface monitor on the side walls of the tank, but I don’t want this. I must keep a “c” distance between the wall and the surface monitor, which must be constant (to be able to compare experimental results with numeric results).

I tried making "tricks" with ANSYS Design Modeler, making lines to create them a "named selections" in ANSYS Meshing. But, because the lines are interiors, it disappears.

If someone can help me, I'll really appreciate it.


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fluent, surface monitor, water tank, wave height

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