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April 13, 2016, 07:35 |
DPM udf error
#1 |
New Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 14
Rep Power: 16 |
Dear All,
This is a udf I've used to compute the particle deposition rate case. But it doesn't work , I have a problem in build files of C++ in Fluent which is: e:\fluent.inc\fluent6.3.26\src\machine.h(114) : warning C4005: 'stdout' : macro redefinition C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\INCLUDE\stdio.h(161) : see previous definition of 'stdout' e:\fluent.inc\fluent6.3.26\src\machine.h(115) : warning C4005: 'stderr' : macro redefinition C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\INCLUDE\stdio.h(162) : see previous definition of 'stderr' e:\fluent.inc\fluent6.3.26\src\machine.h(116) : warning C4005: 'stdin' : macro redefinition C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\INCLUDE\stdio.h(160) : see previous definition of 'stdin' ..\..\src\aa.c(35) : error C2275: 'Thread' : illegal use of this type as an expression e:\fluent.inc\fluent6.3.26\src\mem.h(653) : see declaration of 'Thread' ..\..\src\aa.c(35) : error C2065: 'tcelll' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(36) : error C2275: 'cell_t' : illegal use of this type as an expression e:\fluent.inc\fluent6.3.26\src\mem.h(173) : see declaration of 'cell_t' ..\..\src\aa.c(36) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'c' ..\..\src\aa.c(36) : error C2065: 'c' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(39) : error C2275: 'cell_t' : illegal use of this type as an expression e:\fluent.inc\fluent6.3.26\src\mem.h(173) : see declaration of 'cell_t' ..\..\src\aa.c(39) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'c' ..\..\src\aa.c(39) : error C2065: 'c' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(40) : error C2275: 'Domain' : illegal use of this type as an expression e:\fluent.inc\fluent6.3.26\src\mem.h(555) : see declaration of 'Domain' ..\..\src\aa.c(40) : error C2065: 'd' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(41) : error C2275: 'real' : illegal use of this type as an expression e:\fluent.inc\fluent6.3.26\src\global.h(158) : see declaration of 'real' ..\..\src\aa.c(41) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'normal' ..\..\src\aa.c(41) : error C2065: 'normal' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(41) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type ..\..\src\aa.c(42) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type' ..\..\src\aa.c(43) : error C2275: 'real' : illegal use of this type as an expression e:\fluent.inc\fluent6.3.26\src\global.h(158) : see declaration of 'real' ..\..\src\aa.c(43) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'Wa' ..\..\src\aa.c(43) : error C2065: 'Wa' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(44) : error C2065: 'd' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(44) : warning C4047: '=' : 'int' differs in levels of indirection from 'Domain *' ..\..\src\aa.c(45) : error C2275: 'real' : illegal use of this type as an expression e:\fluent.inc\fluent6.3.26\src\global.h(158) : see declaration of 'real' ..\..\src\aa.c(45) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'x' ..\..\src\aa.c(45) : error C2065: 'x' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(45) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type ..\..\src\aa.c(46) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(46) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(46) : error C2065: 'idim' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(46) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(47) : error C2065: 'normal' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(47) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(47) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type ..\..\src\aa.c(47) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(48) : error C2065: 'tcell' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(48) : error C2223: left of '->storage' must point to struct/union ..\..\src\aa.c(48) : error C2065: 'c' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(52) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(52) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(52) : error C2065: 'idim' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(52) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(54) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(54) : error C2065: 'normal' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(54) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(54) : error C2109: subscript requires array or pointer type ..\..\src\aa.c(55) : error C2065: 'i' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(59) : error C2065: 'tcell' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(59) : error C2223: left of '->storage' must point to struct/union ..\..\src\aa.c(59) : error C2065: 'c' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(77) : error C2065: 'tcell' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(77) : error C2223: left of '->storage' must point to struct/union ..\..\src\aa.c(77) : error C2065: 'c' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(78) : error C2065: 'tcell' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(78) : error C2223: left of '->storage' must point to struct/union ..\..\src\aa.c(78) : error C2065: 'tcell' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(78) : error C2223: left of '->head' must point to struct/union ..\..\src\aa.c(78) : error C2065: 'tcell' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(78) : error C2223: left of '->storage' must point to struct/union ..\..\src\aa.c(78) : error C2065: 'c' : undeclared identifier ..\..\src\aa.c(78) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation thanks in advance for any response...... the UDF is: #include "udf.h" #include "dpm.h" #include "mem.h" #include "sg.h" #define nu_s 0.27 /*Poisson ratio of the surface*/ #define nu_p 0.27 /*Poisson ratio of the particle*/ #define VISC 1.7894e-05 /*Viscosity*/ /*#define RGAS (UNIVERSAL_GAS_CONSTANT/MW)*/ #define Tdatum 288.15 #define NUM_UDM 6 /* No. of user-defined memory locations8/ real ParticleTotalMass; real P_Mass[6]; real P_Impact_Mass[6]; real P_Stick_Mass[6]; Domain *domain; *Get domain pointer and assign later to domain*/ /* Boundary condition macro for the deposition model*/ DEFINE_DPM_BC(udfdeposition8,p,t,f,f_normal,dim) { #if !RP_HOST /* Used only for 3D cases*/ real crit_vel,alpha,Tavg,Ep,vcr=0.,Es,k1,k2,calc,E,utau 1,dudz,wall_shear_stress; real Cu,cbar,lamda,kn,val,kc,ucws,utc,h,del,ufr,ff,utau ,area,wall_shear_force,utaunew; real vn=0.; real utau2, utc1,vpabs=0.,MassImpact; real nor_coeff=0.8; real tan_coeff=0.4; real R=287.; real tem_Mass=0.; real tem_Particle_Dia=0.; real A[ND_ND],ds,es[ND_ND],A_by_es,dr0[ND_ND],ivu=0.,jvv=0.,kvw=0.,du=0.; real tauwall1=0.,tauwall2=0.,tauwall3=0.,wallfricv1=0., wallfricv2=0.,wallfricv3=0.; real yplus,wallfricv4=0.,wallfricv5=0.,uvel,vvel,wvel,d umag=0.; FILE *fp;* Thread *tcelll=P_CELL_THREAD(p); cell_t c = P_CELL(p); /* Exact thread location of particle*/ /*cell_t c=RP_CELL(&p->cCell); */ /*Thread *tcell=RP_THREAD(&p->cCell);*/ cell_t c=P_CELL(p); /* Exact cell location of particle*/ Domain *d; real normal[3]; int i,idim=dim; real Wa = 0.039; d=Get_Domain(1); real x[ND_ND]; for (i=0.; i<idim; i++) normal[i] = f_normal[i]; C_UDMI(c,tcell,0) += 1.0; if(p->type==DPM_TYPE_INERT) /* Checks if inert particle is used*/ { /*computing normal velocity*/ for(i=0.;i<idim;i++) { vn += p->state.V[i]*normal[i]; vpabs += pow(p->state.V[i],2.); } vpabs = pow(vpabs,.5); /*computing critical velocity*/ Tavg = (F_T(f,t)+C_T(c,tcell))/2.; /*Message("Avg temp is %g\n",Tavg);*/ /*Message("particle temp is %g\n",P_T(p));*/ /*Message("face temp from tcell is %g\n",F_T(f,tcell));*/ /*Message("normal face temp is %g\n",F_T(f,t));*/ /*NEW CORRELATION*/ Ep=(3.*(pow(10.,20.)))*exp(-0.02365*Tavg); Es=Ep; /*Message("Young's mod is %g\n",Ep);*/ k1 = (1.-(nu_s*nu_s))/(3.14*Es); k2 = (1.-(nu_p*nu_p))/(3.14*Ep); /*Message("particle density is %g\n",P_RHO(p));*/ /*Message("Ai particle density is %g\n",p->init_state.rho);*/ calc = (5.*3.14*3.14*(k1+k2))/(4.*(pow(P_RHO(p),1.5))); E = 0.51*(pow(calc,(2./5.))); /* El-Batsh parameter*/ vcr = pow(((2.*E)/P_DIAM(p)),(10./7.)); /*Message("capture velocity is %g\n",vcr);*/ MassImpact=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); C_UDMI(c,tcell,1)+=MassImpact; cbar = sqrt(((8.*C_RGAS(c,tcell)*C_T(c,tcell))/3.14)); lamda = (2.*C_MU_EFF(c,tcell))/(C_R(c,tcell)*cbar); kn = (2.*lamda)/P_DIAM(p); /* Knudsen number*/ Cu = 1.+kn*(1.2+(0.41*exp(-0.88/kn))); /*Cunningham Correction Factor*/ Tavg = (F_T(f,t)+C_T(c,tcell))/2.; /*Avg of particle & surface temperature*/ /*Calculating El-Batsh parameter*/ val = ((1.-(pow(nu_s,2.)))/Es)+((1.-(pow(nu_p,2.)))/Ep); kc = (4./3.)/val; /*Calculating critical wall shear velocity*/ ucws = ((Cu*Wa)/(C_R(c,tcell)*P_DIAM(p)))*(pow((Wa/(P_DIAM(p)*kc)),(1./3.))); utc = sqrt(ucws); /* Message("wall shear vel is %g\n", utc);*/ utc1=pow(ucws,0.5); /*Calculating wall friction velocity*/ /* Alternate Method 1*/ /*dudz = C_DUDZ(c,tcell);*/ /*utau1 = sqrt((VISC*dudz)/C_R(c,tcell));*/ /*Message("Friction vel by regular formula is %g\n",utau1);*/ yplus=F_STORAGE_R(f,t,SV_WALL_YPLUS_UTAU); /*Alternate Method 2*/ ivu=C_U(c,tcell)*normal[0]; jvv=C_V(c,tcell)*normal[1]; kvw=C_W(c,tcell)*normal[2]; du =ivu+jvv; Thread *t0=THREAD_T0(t); cell_t c0=F_C0(f,t); BOUNDARY_FACE_GEOMETRY(f,t,A,ds,es,A_by_es,dr0); /* Message("wall distance is %g\n",ds);*/ tauwall1=C_MU_EFF(c,tcell)*(du/ds); wallfricv1=sqrt(tauwall1/C_R(c,tcell)); /* Message("wallfrictionvelocity 1 is %g\n",wallfricv1);*/ if (yplus<11.25) { tauwall2=C_MU_EFF(c,tcell)*C_STRAIN_RATE_MAG(c,tce ll); wallfricv2=sqrt(tauwall2/C_R(c,tcell)); } else { wallfricv2 = (1./0.41)*log(yplus*9.); } /* Message("wallfrictionvelocity 2 is %g\n",wallfricv2);*/ /* Alternate Method 3*/ tauwall3=C_MU_EFF(c,tcell)*sqrt(C_DUDX(c,tcell)*(C _DUDX(c,tcell)+C_DUDX(c,tcell))+C_DUDY(c,tcell)*(C _DUDY(c,tcell)+C_DVDX(c,tcell))+C_DUDZ(c,tcell)*(C _D UDZ(c,tcell)+C_DWDX(c,tcell))+C_DVDX(c,tcell)*(C_D VDX(c,tcell)+C_DUDY(c,tcell))+C_DVDY(c,tcell)*(C_D VDY(c,tcell)+C_DVDY(c,tcell))+C_DVDZ(c,tcell)*(C_D VDZ(c,tcell)+C_DWDY(c,tcell))+C_DWDX(c,tcell)*(C_D WDX(c,tcell)+C_DUDZ(c,tcell))+C_DWDY(c,tcell)*(C_D WDY(c,tcell)+C_DVDZ(c,tcell))+C_DWDZ(c,tcell)*(C_D WDZ(c,tcell)+C_DWDZ(c,tcell))); wallfricv3=sqrt(tauwall3/C_R(c,tcell)); /*ACTUAL WALL FRICTION VELOCITY CALCULATION*/ /* Message("wall yplus is %g\n",yplus);*/ ds=C_WALL_DIST(c,tcell); wallfricv4=(VISC*yplus)/(ds*C_R(c,tcell)); /* Alternate Method 5*/ uvel=C_U(c0,t0); vvel=C_V(c0,t0); wvel=C_W(c0,t0); dumag=sqrt((uvel*uvel)+(vvel*vvel)); if(yplus>10) wallfricv5=sqrt((C_MU_EFF(c,tcell)*dumag)/(C_R(c,tcell)*ds)); else wallfricv5=sqrt((VISC*dumag)/(C_R(c,tcell)*ds)); /* Message("wallfrictionvelocity 5 is %g\n",wallfricv5);*/ fp=fopen("Impact2.txt","a"); fprintf(fp,"%6.3f %6.2f %6.2f %f %f %f %f\n", P_DIAM(p),vn,vcr,Ep,MassImpact,ucws,utaunew); tem_Particle_Dia=P_DIAM(p)*pow(10,6); if(tem_Particle_Dia<1) P_Impact_Mass[0]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); else if(tem_Particle_Dia>1 && tem_Particle_Dia<3) P_Impact_Mass[1]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); else if(tem_Particle_Dia>3 && tem_Particle_Dia<5) P_Impact_Mass[2]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); else if(tem_Particle_Dia>5 && tem_Particle_Dia<7) P_Impact_Mass[3]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); else if(tem_Particle_Dia>7 && tem_Particle_Dia<10) P_Impact_Mass[4]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); else P_Impact_Mass[5]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); /* PARTICLE DOES NOT STICK*/ if(abs(vn)>vcr) { C_UDMI(c,tcell,2) += 1.0; C_UDMI(c,tcell,3) += P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); for(i=0;i<idim;i++) p->state.V[i]-=vn*normal[i]; /*Apply tangential coefficient of restitution. */ for (i=0; i<idim; i++) p->state.V[i]*=tan_coeff; /*Add reflected normal velocity. */ for (i=0; i<idim; i++) p->state.V[i]-=nor_coeff*vn*normal[i]; /* Store new velocity in state0 of particle*/ for (i=0; i<idim; i++) p->state0.V[i]=p->state.V[i]; return PATH_ACTIVE; } /* PARTICLE DEPOSITS*/ else if(wallfricv4 < utc) { /*num of particles deposited or num of hits*/ C_UDMI(c,tcell,4) += 1.0; /* mass of particles deposited*/ C_UDMI(c,tcell,5) += P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); tem_Mass=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); if(tem_Particle_Dia<1.) P_Stick_Mass[0]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); else if(tem_Particle_Dia>1 && tem_Particle_Dia<3) P_Stick_Mass[1]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); else if(tem_Particle_Dia>3 && tem_Particle_Dia<5) P_Stick_Mass[2]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); else if(tem_Particle_Dia>5 && tem_Particle_Dia<7) P_Stick_Mass[3]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); else if(tem_Particle_Dia>7 && tem_Particle_Dia<10) P_Stick_Mass[4]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); else P_Stick_Mass[5]+=P_FLOW_RATE(p)*pow(10,9); fp=fopen("Stick2.txt","a"); fprintf(fp,"%f %f %6.2f %f %6.2f %6.2f %f\n", tem_Particle_Dia,tem_Mass,vn,vcr,Ep,ucws,utaunew); fclose(fp); } } return PATH_ABORT; #endif /* Only for 3D cases*/ } /*Setting UDM locations and initializing them to 0*/ DEFINE_ON_DEMAND(reset_UDMsnew) { int i=0; Thread *t; Domain *d; cell_t c; face_t f; d=Get_Domain(1); Message("Setting UDMs \n"); thread_loop_c(t,d) { begin_c_loop(c,t) { for(i=0;i<6;i++) C_UDMI(c,t,i)=0.0; } end_c_loop(c,t) } } |
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