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How does ANSYS Fluent calculate its enthalpy?

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Old   November 28, 2015, 06:46
Exclamation How does ANSYS Fluent calculate its enthalpy?
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RebeccaKn92 is on a distinguished road
Hey guys!

I am working with ANSYS Fluent at the moment and now there appeared a question.

I wrote the User-Defined Funtions, one for the density and one for the viscosity - both dependent on the enthalpy. While running the calculation with one of these UDFs I set the other parameter (density or viscosity) constant. All other settings stayed the same in those two calculations.

Now ANSYS Fluent gave me different enthalpy-values in both calculations. Now I am a bit confused because the density and the viscosity respectively should be calculated based on the enthalpy-values and not the other way around.

So can anyone help me and explain to me why I have different enthalpy-values when I just changed the terms for density and viscosity?

Thanks up front!

Last edited by RebeccaKn92; November 28, 2015 at 08:45.
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Old   June 4, 2018, 06:20
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tiancaidushen is on a distinguished road
hi, did you figure out the enthalpy calculation in FLUENT?

Originally Posted by RebeccaKn92 View Post
Hey guys!

I am working with ANSYS Fluent at the moment and now there appeared a question.

I wrote the User-Defined Funtions, one for the density and one for the viscosity - both dependent on the enthalpy. While running the calculation with one of these UDFs I set the other parameter (density or viscosity) constant. All other settings stayed the same in those two calculations.

Now ANSYS Fluent gave me different enthalpy-values in both calculations. Now I am a bit confused because the density and the viscosity respectively should be calculated based on the enthalpy-values and not the other way around.

So can anyone help me and explain to me why I have different enthalpy-values when I just changed the terms for density and viscosity?

Thanks up front!
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density, enthalpy, udf, viscosity

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