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Negative Volume - apprentice

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Old   November 4, 2015, 22:08
Unhappy Negative Volume - apprentice
New Member
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 2
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madboy19 is on a distinguished road
Hello Masters,

I have project for my school that I had to simulate Wankel Motor. I am dealing with it like 7 days already. I didnt understand anything about Dynamic Mesh there is no good tutorial for me.

My problem is

Error at host: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected.

Warning: non-positive volumes exist.

Error at Node 0: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected.

Error at Node 1: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected.

Error at Node 2: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected.

Error at Node 3: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected.

Error at Node 4: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected.

Error at Node 5: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected.

Error: Update-Dynamic-Mesh failed. Negative cell volume detected.
Error Object: #f
I learned UDF and when I press "Display Zone Motion" Rotor is rotating very well but when I was press "Preview Mesh Motion" , it gives that errors.

I am attaching my project. I will happy if somebody can help me because my time is limited.

(Without Dynamic Mesh Everything works fine and I can get result from it. But when I use Dynamic mesh and change my rotor - wall to Rigid body with UDF I cant get nothing.)

I couldnt attach my project.
Here is the Link
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